About us
Loti History
- January, Established LOTI Co.,Ltd. as a professor startup company
- July, Selected for early startup package project by the Korea Startup Promotion Agency
- July, 2021 Selected for Tech Valley Company by the Technology Guarantee Fund
- November, elected as a stepping stone for startup growth technology development project (first step, second step)
- December, Signed a technology transfer agreement (Jeonbuk National University → LOTi Co., Ltd.)
: Secured 8 patent applications/registrations and 2 PCT applications related to Titanium solid phase deoxidation technology
- November, Headquarters relocation
(Jeonbuk National University → Jeonbuk Technopark Technoville B)
- January, Attracted investment from Korea Technology
Finance Corporation (1 million $)
- March, Acquired a certification as
a company - affiliated research center
- March, Member of 3D Printing Research Association
- March, Acquired Venture Company certificate
- June, Attracted investment from the Technology
Guarantee Fund (KRW 1 billion)
- September, Headquarters relocation
(Jeonbuk Techno Park Technoville B → 85 Wonsindeok-gil,
Wansan-gu, Jeonju)
- Attracted investment from Blissvine Ventures Co., Ltd.
and Selected for the TIPS Technology Startup Company
- June, Selected for TIPS Startup Commercialization Project
-June, Selected for R&D Project for Innovative Growth in Jeonbuk-do
- July, Selected for Integrated support project for commercialization of technology transactions