LOTi's Innovative technology

3DP waste powder recycling with deoxidation
and surface treatment technology
- Preoccupy the recycling market with waste powder recovery and low-cost purchases
- Entering the global market by establishing overseas local factory
Oxygen increase in titanium powder according to
3D printing count : Laser powder bed fusion
1,600 ppm → 1,800 ppm,
200 ppm increase after 10 uses
Schematic diagram of the reaction between 3D printing melt pool and ambient oxygen
Utilization of Low Oxygen irregular Titanium Powder for Water Electrolysis PEM
(Oxygen content 2,500 ppm → 1,200 ppm, conductivity improvement)
- Production of low oxygen spherical/irregular powder and Development of Laminated Materials
- Water electrolysis filter development in progress (irregular)

Research on the use of irregular/spherical mixed powders
Filter for water electrolysis with
irregular deoxidation powder
- Development of mass production technology using low oxygen titanium powder
- Supplying materials to electromagnetic shielding and secondary battery-related applications

Manufacture of MXene solution after MAX manufacture using low oxygen titanium
Examples of MXene materials
with secondary batteries
High melting point metal powder oxygen pole reduction technology for semiconductor target
High melting point metal powder deoxidation heat treatment
(Oxygen content 900 ppm → 300 ppm or less)
Research and development of semiconductor sputtering targets

high melting point metal powder (Ta)
For sputtering targets with
high melting point metal powder
1. Research and development of Low oxygen MAX
Synthesis Technology Using Deoxidation Titanium
2. Development of 2D Material MXene
Manufacturing Technology from Low Oxygen MAX
3. Research and development of the Application of MXene
for Electromagnetic Shielding

(a) After centrifugation sediment
(c) Single layer MXene SEM
(b) MXene colloidal solution
(d) MXene thin film
Transparent MXene
thin films